Ethical Evolution: How Corporate Embrace of Animal Welfare Shapes Trust and Success

The growing emphasis on sustainable development has been a catalyst for reshaping business practices across industries. Consumers, armed with increased awareness, are demanding more than mere products – they're seeking transparency, ethical sourcing, and environmentally responsible supply chains. As the world confronts pressing issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, and ethical treatment of animals, businesses have a pivotal role to play in crafting solutions that contribute positively to sustainable development. 

Incorporating animal welfare into business strategies isn't just about building a positive image – it's also about risk management. By proactively addressing animal welfare in their operations and supply chains, corporations can mitigate the potential risks associated with negative public perceptions and regulatory scrutiny.

In early 2023, Aquatic Life Institute (ALI) launched the Corporate Initiative to assist large-scale buyers in integrating animal welfare considerations into their procurement practices. Through this program, ALI provides tailored consultancy services, working closely with companies to assess and enhance their existing animal welfare policies. By conducting thorough evaluations, we identify areas for improvement and establish feasible targets that align with their values and sustainability goals.

Despite the progress made, animals within the food system still endure several outdated and needless practices that result in significant suffering. One such obsolete method is eyestalk ablation, involving the removal of one or both eyestalks from crustaceans. This practice, often performed on female shrimps to induce mature ovaries and spawning, has been proven both unnecessary and counterproductive. ALI recommends a ban on this egregious practice as part of our welfare recommendations for white-leg shrimp. 

We are encouraged by the trend to gradually eliminate this cruel practice from corporate supply chains. A compelling example of how a major corporation is aligning its business strategy with animal welfare principles is the recently launched Marks & Spencer (M&S) Decapod Welfare Policy. Besides other animal welfare initiatives, the company states that 100% of the warm-water prawns are eyestalk ablation-free, demonstrating a proactive approach to ethical sourcing and transparent communication. 

By integrating animal welfare into their sustainability strategies, corporations can enhance their reputation, mitigate risks, and earn the unwavering trust of consumers who value ethical considerations. As consumers continue to advocate for ethical sourcing, the business world's embrace of animal welfare will be a defining factor in shaping a better world for both corporations and all living beings on our planet.


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Progress on Animal Welfare in Aquaculture Certifications: Aquatic Life Institute Launches Second Annual Benchmark Report