
5th Annual Aquatic Life Conference

Join us for the 5th Annual Aquatic Life Conference, proudly organized by Aquatic Life Institute. We look forward to providing a platform for leaders from around the world who will share their work on aquatic animal welfare. Our conference aligns with a pivotal moment in our journey towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. At this pivotal moment, our aim is not just to raise public awareness about the sentience of aquatic animals, but also to underscore the crucial need for incorporating their welfare considerations into legislative frameworks, corporate policies, and seafood certification standards.

Animal Welfare and Innovation in Capture Fisheries

Sustainable fisheries require animal welfare considerations for both target and non-target species. Learn about innovative technology that helps improve aquatic animal welfare in capture fisheries and thereby the long-term sustainability of fish populations.

4th Annual Aquatic Life Conference

This conference is open to anyone who is interested in aquatic animal protection, regardless of sector. It is happening at a critical juncture, particularly as we approach the last decade of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, to elevate public awareness of aquatic animal sentience and the importance of taking their welfare into consideration going forward.

Granjas de pulpos: ¿Por qué es urgente frenarlas?

Discutiremos las diferentes consecuencias negativas de explotar intensivamente los pulpos, desde perspectivas de bienestar animal, protección ambiental y salud pública. Además discutiremos diferentes campañas y estrategias actuales contra esta industria. 

Aquatic Animal Welfare 101: Corporate Sector

In this webinar, we'll discuss the basics of aquatic animal welfare in aquaculture and fisheries, and why it is important for consideration by businesses. Learn how your company can incorporate aquatic animal welfare into its policies.

3rd Annual Aquatic Life Conference

The Aquatic Life Conference is a free online event, open to anyone who is interested in aquatic animal protection, regardless of sector. It is happening at a critical juncture, particularly as we approach the last decade of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, to elevate public awareness of aquatic animal sentience and the importance of taking their welfare into consideration going forward.

UN Ocean Conference side event: Nexus Between Sustainable Development, Ocean Conservation and Aquatic Animal Welfare

This roundtable will explore the relationship between improved aquatic animal welfare and achieving the UN sustainable development goals, focusing on the historical neglect of aquatic animals and why we should put them front and center in the discussion on sustainable development.

EaAA event: Can we have sustainable and humane wild capture fisheries?

The Aquatic Life Institute (ALI) released a new report, Key Welfare Recommendations for Marine Capture Fisheries, highlighting major welfare issues that take place in wild capture fisheries. Speakers will discuss major findings and provide recommendations for achieving both sustainable and humane wild capture fisheries.

Table-ronde: Pourquoi nous avons besoin d'une législation sur le bien-être des animaux aquatiques

- Propos introductifs de Député européens Pierre Karleskind
- Les activités liées au bien-être des animaux aquatiques au sein du CCA, Aquaculture Advisory Council (CCA), Cécile Fouquet, secrétaire du CCA
- L’importance de l’enrichissement de l’environnement pour les poissons en élevage, Gautier Riberolles, Chargé d’étude en bien-être animal, WELFARM
- Les faiblesses du droit de l’Union européenne en matière de bien-être animal appliqué à la pêche et à l’aquaculture, le doctorant Peran Plouhinec de l’Université de Brest
- Le processus de révision de la législation bien-être animal, Lucie Carrouée Deputy Head of Unit G5 – Animal welfare à la DG Santé, Commission Européenne
- La nécessité d’une législation spécifique relative aux bien-être des animaux aquatiques, Amandine Sanvisens, directrice d’Aquatic Life Institute Europe
- Propos conclusifs de Député européens Pascal Durand

Animaux aquatiques et altruisme efficace

La question des animaux aquatiques est en plein essor dans le milieu animaliste et mise en avant par l'altruisme efficace. Dans un premier temps, Gautier Riberolles, éthologue travaillant sur ces enjeux avec diverses organisations présentera le contexte français et international, les enjeux stratégiques et le travail des principales associations animalistes concernant l'exploitation des animaux aquatiques. Ensuite, Amandine Sanvisens, directrice de l'Aquatic Life Institute France (ALI France) et co-fondatrice de Paris Animaux Zoopolis (PAZ) présentera plus spécifiquement le travail de l'Aquatic Life Institute et de la coalition internationale qu'elle mène : l'Aquatic Animal Alliance, ainsi que le travail de PAZ concernant la pêche de loisir. Les présentations seront suivies d'un temps d'échange avec les intervenants.

Banding Together to Ban Cephalopod Farming

Cephalopods have existed for millions of years, and are recognized as some of the most intelligent animals in the sea. In 2020, My Octopus Teacher, a Netflix original documentary film, captured the heartfelt relationship between human and octopus, placing a spotlight on these miraculous creatures. However, these same creatures are all too often treated as a commodity, which encourages the dangerous possibility of cruel, industrialized cephalopod farming.

Conference: Why we should ban octopus farming

- Introduction by Caroline Roose MEP
- Introduction by William Bench the founder of Aquatic Life Institute Europe
- Moderation: Amandine Sanvisens, Head of Aquatic Life Institute Europe
- Dct Elena LARA (CIWF), Octopus Factory Farming – A Recipe for Disaster
- Heather BROWNING (London Economics School), Cephalopods sentience

The Aquatic Life Conference

The Aquatic Life Conference is happening at a critical juncture, particularly as we approach the last decade of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, to elevate public awareness of aquatic animal sentience and the importance of taking their welfare into consideration going forward. For this reason, we have invited a variety of speakers outside of the animal welfare space, including experts from marine and ocean conservation groups, industry and the private sector, and media.

Benefits of Aquatic Animal Welfare for Sustainability

The Aquatic Life Institute (ALI) released a new report, Benefits of Aquatic Animal Welfare for Sustainability, highlighting the intersectionality between improved aquatic animal welfare and sustainable development. Come learn how aquatic animal welfare considerations are inextricably linked to ethical, environmental and social issues, and therefore should be an integral component of sustainable development policies moving forward!

Documenting Aquatic Animals

One of the most effective ways to educate people about aquatic animals is through photographs and videos, so we decided to invite a few documentary photographers and marine biologists to discuss their important work. Research is the backbone of understanding these animals, but photographs develop empathy and understanding to connect people to aquatic animal welfare issues. Each speaker will discuss and share their work with the audience and we will have some time to ask them questions about the they are doing to document aquatic animals!

Clean Meat

Cultivating meat and seafood directly from animal cells is a promising alternative to conventional methods of meat production with potential environmental, ethical, food security, and human health benefits. In this session, we will focus on the methods used to produce cultivated meat and seafood and discuss some of the unique challenges that set seafood apart from meat. We will also discuss ongoing research aimed at addressing these challenges.

Shark Week Shebang

On the heels (or tail) of Shark Week 2021, we're dying to learn more and we hope you are too! ALI is excited to welcome experts from Hong Kong Shark Foundation, Sharklife Conservation, and Oceankin Conservation to engage in discussions about the threats these wondrous beings face, the most effective ways to save them, and any lingering questions you all might have following Shark Week 2021!

"The Sentience Debate": the moral value of shrimps, insects, and oysters

Are shrimp sentient? Do insects feel pain? Can oysters be considered vegan? Come listen to our panel of experts and decide for yourself! We're looking forward to hearing from renowned scholars at N.Y.U., Rethink Priorities, London School of Economics and Political Science, and more! After presentations/discussions from our incredible panel, the audience will have a chance to participate in a live Q&A. You won't want to miss out on our Sentience Debate so please join us on July 14th!

EAA June Meetup: Training Law Students to Litigate for Farmed Animals

Join us for the June EAA Meetup with Lewis & Clark Law School’s Animal Law Litigation Clinic (ALLC)! The ALLC is the only law school clinic in the world entirely devoted to farmed animal advocacy. The panelists – the ALLC’s former director, staff attorney, and a student attorney – will discuss how the clinic trains the next generation of advocates through hands-on work on cutting-edge litigation. Following the panel, there will be Q&A and open discussion.

Panel Discussion: Ornamental fish trade, fish welfare, and biodiversity

Join us for a special event on World Oceans Day!
Did you know that more than 90 percent of ornamental aquatic life caught in the wild ends up in home aquarium tanks? The recent documentary, The Dark Hobby (Release date: May 22, 2021) discusses the impacts of taking wild fish from the ocean. Join us for a panel discussion following the documentary’s release. We invited several researchers on fish welfare, ornamental fish trade, and marine conservation! We will open with a Q&A session and end with an open discussion.

Lightning Talks

Come join us for some exhilarating discussions with experts, concerned citizens, and academics in a multitude of areas within the EAA community! These "lightning talks" will consist of a series of approximately 5 minute presentations, each of them followed by their own brief Q&A. 12p.m. EDT/6 p.m. CET

E(A)AA May Meetup: An Aquaculture Veterinarian's Insights on Animal Welfare

Join us for the May EAA Meetup with Lewis & Clark Law School’s Animal Law Litigation Clinic! Following the panel, there will be Q&A and open discussion.

The panelists:
-Kyla Dayton, Lewis & Clark Law Student (JD ’22) and Student Attorney in the Animal Law Litigation Clinic (ALLC)
-Kate Schultz, ALLC Staff Attorney
-Delci Winders, ALLC Director & Assistant Clinical Professor

EAA May Meetup: Training Law Students to Litigate for Farmed Animals

Join us for the May EAA Meetup with Lewis & Clark Law School’s Animal Law Litigation Clinic! Following the panel, there will be Q&A and open discussion.

The panelists:
-Kyla Dayton, Lewis & Clark Law Student (JD ’22) and Student Attorney in the Animal Law Litigation Clinic (ALLC)
-Kate Schultz, ALLC Staff Attorney
-Delci Winders, ALLC Director & Assistant Clinical Professor

E(A)AA April Panel: Shrimp Farming

Join us for March's Effective Aquatic Animal Advocacy event with Tessa Gonzalez of The Aquatic Life Institute's research team. She'll discuss what equates “blue loss,” how ALI has quantified this tremendous figure, and the associated implications that arise when analyzing the “welfare pyramid” effect that blue loss ultimately generates. After the presentation, there will be audience discussion and Q&A.

E(A)AA March Meetup: Blue Loss: The Invisible 1 Trillion Animals In Our Food System

Join us for March's Effective Aquatic Animal Advocacy event with Tessa Gonzalez of The Aquatic Life Institute's research team. She'll discuss what equates “blue loss,” how ALI has quantified this tremendous figure, and the associated implications that arise when analyzing the “welfare pyramid” effect that blue loss ultimately generates. After the presentation, there will be audience discussion and Q&A.

EA Fellowship Weekend Animal Advocacy Meetup

The EA Fellowship Weekend is a new virtual networking event for participants of effective altruism programs from around the world. The focus of the event is on making peer-to-peer connections with other attendees. We're excited to host a special animal advocacy meetup as part of the weekend!

The Meetup:
Connect with others interested in animal advocacy and discuss priority cause areas within the EA animal advocacy space, from fish to insects. This meetup will be led by EA animal nonprofit The Aquatic Life Institute ( and welcomes both those brand new to animal issues and those already well-versed.

EAA January Meetup: Pathways to Impact for Wild Animal Welfare

Join us for January's Effective Animal Advocacy event, featuring Cameron Meyer Shorb of Wild Animal Initiative, who will be presenting on their groundbreaking work to address wild animal suffering.

After the presentation, there will be audience discussion and Q&A.

Interested in having ALI represented at your event? Contact us!