Page last updated: October 30, 2024
Our Impact
Aquatic Life Institute’s mission is to reduce suffering for the trillions of aquatic animals being farmed and caught in the wild for human consumption each year.
Aquatic Life Institute works closely with a number of leading global seafood certifiers to introduce and improve animal welfare standards in aquaculture and wild capture fisheries. Major aquaculture certification schemes cover a huge number of farmed fishes and shrimps – the certifiers that ALI engages with certify approximately 64.8 billion shrimps and 2.4 billion finfish per year, according to our calculations based on certifier data.
View our year-over-year comparison for the Certifier Benchmark here.
2.4 billion
Total estimated number of fishes covered by major aquaculture certification schemes
64.8 billion
Total estimated number of shrimps covered by major aquaculture certification schemes
Aquatic Life Institute has influenced legislative change for aquatic animals globally, with major victories in the US, Canada, and the EU. Following the introduction of the Aquatic Animal Policy (AAP) focus group, ALI’s legislative advocacy has been strengthened by its multifaceted and collaborative approach.
2 US States Implement Bans on Octopus Farming
ALI contributed to the successful passage of the first state-wide bans on octopus farming in Washington State and California - a groundbreaking step in aquatic animal rights
UN Victory: Incorporation of Aquatic Animal Welfare in FAO's Shanghai Declaration
ALI spoke at FAO GCA +20, a key aquaculture conference, prompting the inclusion of aquatic animal welfare in the Shanghai Declaration, a major global policy shift
Canadian Salmonid Victory: Adoption of ALI’s Welfare Standards
ALI's animal welfare guidelines were integrated into the Canadian Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farmed Salmonids (salmon, trout, charr), published in 2021
Aquatic Life Institute launched its corporate initiative in 2023 to engage global retailers, aiming to implement robust animal welfare standards within company policies. We have already influenced commitments from retailers who are rejecting unethical practices such as eyestalk ablation.
Relationships secured with global retailers to implement high aquatic animal welfare standards in corporate policies, encouraging responsible practices throughout the supply chain
Commitments from global retailers for high welfare standards for aquatic animals, including rejecting practices such as prawn broodstock eyestalk ablation
Aquatic Life Institute seeks opportunities to broaden positive impacts across the globe to help as many aquatic animals as possible. We have been invited to join, and have been active members of, several coalitions with similar goals, and are expanding the Aquatic Animal Alliance (AAA) - a coalition which unites non-profit organizations that support our work and strengthen our initiatives. We have also launched a focus group with policy specialists, the Aquatic Animal Policy (AAP) focus group, to advance our efforts to improve the lives of aquatic animals used for human consumption through our legal and governmental systems.
Memberships secured to councils, bodies, stakeholder groups, and coalitions