Announcing the Aquatic Animal Alliance!

Right now, the concept of what constitutes “humane fish” or “high welfare seafood product” is somewhat of a blank canvas worldwide. It has yet to be concretely defined by the public, industry, animal welfare organizations or most governments, etc.

We believe collaborative work as a coalition has the potential to be much more effective and impactful than multiple individual efforts by various animal protection organizations. We fear that if multiple organizations ask certifiers, labeling regimes and producers for many different standards, the effect may be that the lowest ask is what gets enshrined in the standards.

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Coalition Members:

As the founder of the Aquatic Animal Alliance (AAA), Aquatic Life Institute (ALI) serves as the hub for aquatic animal welfare. We advise and fund research on aquatic animals to coordinate and guide welfare interventions for aquatic animals. Operating from effective altruism principles, ALI seeks to support and accelerate activities that positively impact all aquatic life.

ALIANIMA is an animal and environmental protection organization that aims to reduce the suffering of non-human animals and curb the degradation of our ecosystems. We act systematically in defense of animals and the environment through action and educational projects, using insights from civil society on ethical consumption that respects the way of life of all sentient beings while respecting the environmental balance.

Asia for Animals(AfA) Coalition is composed of 22 well-known and respected animal welfare organisations that have a shared focus on improving the welfare of animals in Asia. We are further supported by a network of hundreds of supporting animal welfare organisations.

Animal Equality is an international animal protection organization that works to end cruelty to farmed animals. The enthusiasm for and commitment to that mission has only grown since then and has enabled us to deliver impactful results for animals.

Animal Nepal: Animal Nepal is an organization working to improve animal welfare in Nepal. Our vision is for a world where animals can live a life free from pain, suffering, and human cruelty. Animal Nepal works through carefully designed interventions, animal rescue, research, education, campaigns, and advocacy.

Compassion in World Farming: Compassion in World Farming was founded 50 years ago in 1967 by a British farmer who became horrified by the development of modern, intensive factory farming. Today we campaign peacefully to end all factory farming practices. 

Dyrevernalliansen: Dyrevernalliansen works for the animals that need it most. We have four main areas in our work for the animals - farm animals, fur animals, experimental animals and farmed fish.

Equalia: Equalia is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the living conditions of animals destined for consumption with the lowest standards of animal welfare. Our mission is to achieve agreements with companies, institutions and stakeholders that positively impact the greatest possible number of animals.

Essere Animali conducts investigations in intensive farms and slaughterhouses, exposes the cruelties and denounces the mistreatment. We promote a food system that puts an end to the exploitation of animals and is more sustainable for the planet.

L214 Éthique & Animaux is a 1908 law association focused on animals used in food production (meat, milk, eggs, fish), and revealing their conditions of breeding, transport, fishing and slaughter.

Fish Welfare Initiative (FWI) is an organization of people who believe that fish welfare is critical for environmental sustainability, business resiliency, and global health. It's also the right thing for fish.

Mercy for Animals: Mercy For Animals exists to end one of the greatest causes of suffering on the planet: the exploitation of animals for food, in particular, industrial animal agriculture, aquaculture, and fishing.

The Humane League: The Humane League is a global nonprofit organization focused on ending the abuse of animals raised for food.


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SDG 14 Life Below Water